It’s not easy to teach an autistic children in a classroom, this is a good article to read…

We Care Autism

Not every student in a classroom can be taught in the same way. Some students have special needs that the teacher needs to address.There is a growing number of students who have autism. Autism is a brain disorder that affects a person’s ability to communicate, socialize and maintain normal relationships with other people. It is part of a group of disorders known as the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The effects of autism range from person to person. Some of the symptoms include communication difficulties, resisting change, or appearing detached or withdrawn in social situations. The intellectual abilities of someone with autism also range. Some people with autism can be highly intelligent, but might be awkward in social situations. Many students with autism are taught in a traditional classroom. Therefore, a teacher needs to know how to deal with a student in the classroom who has autism.

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